Real Estate

As the independent office that protects home buyers and sellers by promoting fair and efficient business practices, the Real Estate Division registers real estate brokerages, property management brokerages, salespersons, representatives, and mortgage brokers and sets the registration and business practice requirements for all registrants in the province of Manitoba.

Click here to access Legal information.

Explore this section to learn about the requirements for individuals or companies pursuing registration in real estate, property management, private sales, and mortgage brokering.

Persons looking to provide real estate services in Manitoba must be registered under The Real Estate Services Act unless they qualify for an exemption under the Act or the Real Estate Services Regulation.

Under the Act, real estate services include private sales services, property management services, and trading services.

Before providing any real estate service, a person must be registered in a registration category that permits them to provide those real estate services.

For more information on the activities that qualify as real estate services, the requirement to be registered, and exemptions please refer to The Real Estate Services Act.

For more information on registration categories and associated registration requirements please refer to the Real Estate Services Regulation.

Persons looking to act as a mortgage broker, restricted mortgage broker, or mortgage salesperson and engage in mortgage transactions for Manitoba properties must be registered under The Mortgage Brokers Act unless they qualify for an exemption under the Act or the Mortgage Brokers Regulation.

The Act and Regulation define who is a mortgage broker, restricted mortgage broker, and mortgage salesperson and outline the activities that may be undertaken by each category.

Before acting as a mortgage broker, restricted mortgage broker, or salesperson a person must be registered under the Act in the appropriate registration category.

For more information on the various registration categories and the activities that each category may undertake, the requirement to be registered, and exemptions please refer to The Mortgage Brokers Act and the Mortgage Brokers Regulation.

The Manitoba Securities Commission administers The Real Estate Services Act. This act seeks to protect home buyers and sellers by regulating brokerages and individual registrants as defined by the Act.

The registration requirements are as follows:

Real Estate Salesperson

  1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Complete the real estate salesperson’s course Real Estate as a Professional Career administered by The Manitoba Real Estate Association;

(d) Apply for registration with the Commission within 12 months of completing the real estate salesperson’s course.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form (Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)), under the sponsorship of a licensed real estate brokerage;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration, Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Real Estate Broker

  1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Have at least 24 months experience as a registered real estate salesperson within the 36-month period before applying for registration;

(d) Complete the Broker Education Program administered by The Manitoba Real Estate Association;

(e) Apply for registration with the Commission within 36 months of completing the Broker Education Program.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form (Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)), under the sponsorship of a licensed real estate brokerage;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration, Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Real Estate Associate Broker

  1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Have at least 24 months experience as a registered real estate salesperson within the 36-month period before applying for registration;

(d) Complete the Broker Education Program administered by The Manitoba Real Estate Association;

(e) Apply for registration with the Commission within 36 months of completing the Broker Education Program.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form (Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)), under the sponsorship of a licensed real estate brokerage;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration, Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Real Estate Brokerage

  1. Managing Registrant:

(a) A brokerage must have a managing registrant. For a real estate brokerage this person must be a real estate broker.

(b) The real estate broker must be an official of the brokerage. Official is defined in the Real Estate Services Regulation.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Apply for registration on the approved form (Form MG-699 (Rev.00));

(b) Submit the registration fee for the broker of $500.

  1. Constating Documents:

A company or partnership applying for registration as a brokerage must attach a copy of its constating documents, e.g. Articles of Incorporation or partnership agreement. If the company was incorporated more than one year ago, the applicant must also attach a certificate from the Manitoba Companies Office confirming that its registration as a corporation is in good standing in Manitoba.

  1. Operating under a Business or Trade Name:

Every brokerage proposing to operate under a business or trade name other than its own must register that business or trade name with the Manitoba Companies Office and provide the Registrar with proof that the name is registered, i.e. provide a copy of the Business Name Registration document endorsed by the Companies Office.

  1. Trust Account:

Every brokerage must provide the Registrar with evidence that the brokerage maintains an interest-bearing trust account at a branch of a financial institution in Manitoba, with the interest not claimed by clients payable to The Manitoba Securities Commission pursuant to a completed Brokerage’s Letter of Direction to Financial Institution (this form is available from our office or on this website) which must accompany the application.

6. Surety Bond or MREA Membership:

File with the application either a surety bond in an amount prescribed by Sections 2.23(1) to 2.25(2) of the Real Estate Services Regulation or a valid certificate of membership in The Manitoba Real Estate Association’s Real Estate Reimbursement Fund.

The Manitoba Securities Commission administers The Mortgage Brokers Act. This act seeks to protect mortgage investors and borrowers by regulating mortgage brokers and mortgage salespersons as defined by the Act.

There are two categories of mortgage broker registration: mortgage brokers and restricted mortgage brokers. For more information on these categories and who needs to be registered please see the following link.

The registration requirements are as follows:

Mortgage Salesperson
1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Complete the Manitoba Mortgage Salespersons Licensing Course administered by Mortgage Professionals Canada;

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form, under the sponsorship of a licensed mortgage broker;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Authorized Official
1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Have at least 24 months experience as a registered mortgage salesperson within the 36 month period before applying for registration;

(d) Complete the Broker’s Course as prescribed by the Registrar.

(e) Authorized Officials for Mortgage Brokers must provide the Registrar with a detailed resume and have mortgage administration experience at a senior level.

(f) If the individual does not live in Manitoba, a written undertaking must be included that the individual will agree to appear in Manitoba on reasonable notice by the Registrar for any reason affecting the broker’s or individual’s business or conduct in Manitoba.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form, under the sponsorship of a licensed mortgage broker;

(c) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Mortgage Broker and Restricted Mortgage Broker
1. Application for Registration:

(a) The mortgage broker (the “Applicant”) must apply on approved forms provided by the Registrar (Application for Registration as a Mortgage Broker), and provide the following:

I.  Provide confirmation that the Applicant (if a company) is authorized to carry on business in Manitoba by virtue of a copy of its Articles of Incorporation or; if the Applicant has been incorporated for more than one year, confirmation of good standing issued by the Companies Branch of the Province of Manitoba;

II.  An address for service in Manitoba;

III. The Applicant’s business office address in Manitoba;

IV.  If the Applicant does not intend to maintain a business office in Manitoba, the Applicant must provide the address of the Applicant’s solicitor or other legal representative in Manitoba where copies of documents related to transactions conducted in Manitoba and copies of trust records required to be maintained under the Act will be furnished on demand by the Registrar.

(b) Submit the registration fee of $500 for registration as a Mortgage Broker and $500 for registration as a Restricted Mortgage Broker payable to the Minister of Finance.

  1. Operating under a Business or Trade Name:

Applicants must provide proof of registration under The Business Registration Act of any business or trade name under which the Applicant proposes to operate.

  1. Trust Account (not applicable for Restricted Mortgage Brokers):

Applicants must provide a letter from the financial institution where the Applicant maintains its bank accounts addressed to the Registrar confirming that the Applicant has opened a non-interest-bearing trust account, giving the location, account number and name of the account.

  1. Surety Bond (not applicable for Restricted Mortgage Brokers):

Applicants must provide a surety bond issued in the name of the Applicant in the prescribed form in the amount of $100,000 issued by an insurance or surety company authorized to carry on business in Manitoba.

  1. Proof of errors and omissions insurance as required under the Act (Section 7 of M.R.41/2011).
  2. Financial Statements (not applicable for Restricted Mortgage Brokers):

Applicants must submit a copy of their most recent audited financial statements and a letter addressed to the Registrar from the auditor confirming that the amount of capital of the Applicant meets the requirements of section 8 of M.R. 41/2011under the Act or, if the Applicant is setting up a new business, or has not previously prepared audited financial statements, or the audited financial statements cover a financial period which ended more than 120 days prior to the date of application, the auditor’s letter shall be accompanied by an interim financial statement prepared as of the month immediately preceding the date of application.

  1. The Applicant must designate at least one qualified individual as the Applicant’s authorized official.

The activities of a private sales brokerage are restricted to assisting a homeowner to conduct a private sale. Persons looking to provide private sales services to third parties must be registered under The Real Estate Services Act. The Act defines private sales services as:

Private Sales Salesperson

  1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Complete the Real Estate Private Sales Exam administered by the Commission;

(d) Apply for registration with the Commission within 12 months of completing the Real Estate Private Sales Exam.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form (Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)), under the sponsorship of a licensed private sales brokerage;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration, Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Private Sales Broker

  1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Complete the Real Estate Private Sales Exam administered by the Commission;

(d) Apply for registration with the Commission within 12 months of completing the Real Estate Private Sales Exam.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form (Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)), under the sponsorship of a licensed real estate brokerage;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration, Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Private Sales Associate Broker

  1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Complete the Real Estate Private Sales Exam administered by the Commission;

(d) Apply for registration with the Commission within 12 months of completing the Real Estate Private Sales Exam.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form (Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)), under the sponsorship of a licensed real estate brokerage;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration, Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Private Sales Brokerage

  1. Managing Registrant:

(a) A brokerage must have a managing registrant. For a private sales brokerage this person must be a private sales broker.

(b) The private sales broker must be an official of the brokerage. Official is defined in the Real Estate Services Regulation.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Apply for registration on the approved form (Form MG-699 (Rev.00));

(d) Submit the registration fee for the broker of $500.

  1. Constating Documents:

A company or partnership applying for registration as a brokerage must attach a copy of its constating documents, e.g. Articles of Incorporation or partnership agreement. If the company was incorporated more than one year ago, the applicant must also attach a certificate from the Manitoba Companies Office confirming that its registration as a corporation is in good standing in Manitoba.

  1. Operating under a Business or Trade Name:

Every brokerage proposing to operate under a business or trade name other than its own must register that business or trade name with the Manitoba Companies Office and provide the Registrar with proof that the name is registered, i.e. provide a copy of the Business Name Registration document endorsed by the Companies Office.

Individuals and companies looking to provide property management services to a third party (e.g. leasing, collection of rents, handling tenant issues) must be registered under The Real Estate Services Act.

The registration requirements are as follows:

Property Management Representative

  1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Complete the Principles of Property Management course administered by The Manitoba Real Estate Association;

(d) Apply for registration with the Commission within 12 months of completing the Principles of Property Management course.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form (Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)), under the sponsorship of a licensed property management brokerage;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration, Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Property Management Manager

1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Have at least 24 months experience as a registered property management representative within the 36 month period before applying for registration;

(d) Complete the Principles of Property Management course administered by The Manitoba Real Estate Association;

(e) Apply for registration with the Commission within 36 months of completing the Principles of Property Management course.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form (Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)), under the sponsorship of a licensed property management brokerage;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration, Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Property Management Supervisor

  1. Education and Work Experience Requirements:

(a) Must be an individual of good character;

(b) At least 18 years old;

(c) Have at least 24 months experience as a registered property management representative within the 36 month period before applying for registration;

(d) Complete the Principles of Property Management course administered by The Manitoba Real Estate Association;

(e) Apply for registration with the Commission within 36 months of completing the Principles of Property Management course.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Complete and file an application with the Registrar on the approved form (Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)), under the sponsorship of a licensed property management brokerage;

(b) Submit the registration fee of $400.

  1. Criminal Record Check:

Applicants must complete a Criminal Record Form as part of their application (this form is part of the application for registration, Form RAO/RS(Rev.05)). The check will be processed by the Commission as part of the registration process.

Property Management Brokerage

  1. Managing Registrant:

(a) A brokerage must have a managing registrant. For a property management brokerage this person must be a property management manager.

(b) The property management manager must be an official of the brokerage. Official is defined in the Real Estate Services Regulation.

  1. Application for Registration:

(a) Apply for registration on the approved form (Form MG-699 (Rev.00));

(d) Submit the registration fee for the broker of $500.

  1. Constating Documents:

A company or partnership applying for registration as a brokerage must attach a copy of its constating documents, e.g. Articles of Incorporation or partnership agreement. If the company was incorporated more than one year ago, the applicant must also attach a certificate from the Manitoba Companies Office confirming that its registration as a corporation is in good standing in Manitoba.

  1. Operating under a Business or Trade Name:

Every brokerage proposing to operate under a business or trade name other than its own must register that business or trade name with the Manitoba Companies Office and provide the Registrar with proof that the name is registered, i.e. provide a copy of the Business Name Registration document endorsed by the Companies Office.

  1. Trust Account:

Every brokerage must provide the Registrar with evidence that the brokerage maintains an interest-bearing trust account at a branch of a financial institution in Manitoba, with the interest not claimed by clients payable to The Manitoba Securities Commission pursuant to a completed Brokerage’s Letter of Direction to Financial Institution (this form is available from our office or on this website) which must accompany the application.

  1. Surety Bond or MREA Membership:

File with the application either a surety bond in an amount prescribed by Sections 2.23(1) to 2.25(2) of the Real Estate Services Regulation or a valid certificate of membership in The Manitoba Real Estate Association’s Real Estate Reimbursement Fund.

The fees payable under The Real Estate Services Act and The Mortgage Brokers Act are the following:


Registration or reinstatement of registration as a brokerage

Renewal of registration as a brokerage

Registration or reinstatement of registration as a broker, associate broker, manager or supervisor

Renewal of registration as a broker, associate broker, manager or supervisor

Registration as a salesperson or representative

Renewal of registration as a salesperson or representative

Reinstatement of registration as a salesperson or representative under Section 23(1)(a) of the Act

Any other reinstatement of registration as a salesperson or representative under Section 23(1)9B0 of the Act

Transfer of a salesperson’s or representative’s registration


For a complete list of fees under the Act see the Real Estate Services Fees Regulation 95/2021


Registration or reinstatement of registration as a broker

Renewal of registration as a broker

Registration or reinstatement of registration as an authorized official

Renewal of registration as an authorized official

Registration as a salesperson

Renewal of registration as a salesperson

Reinstatement of registration

Transfer of a salesperson’s registration


For a complete list of fees under the Act see Manitoba Regulation 41/2011


Notice Title Date

Proposed Revised Forms of Residential Offers to Purchase and Property Disclosure Statements
Oct. 31, 2022
Individuals Previously Registered as Authorized OfficialsOct. 25, 2022
Proposed Revised Forms of Residential Offers to Purchase and Property Disclosure Statements Feb. 11, 2022
Under Listing Properties and Multiple Offers June 1, 2021
Digital SignaturesMay 6, 2021
Electronic SignaturesMarch 24, 2021
Electronic SignaturesSeptember 24, 2020
Electronic Signatures April 17, 2020
Competition Bureau/CREA Consent Agreement December 15, 2010
Regulation GuidelinesMay 4, 2010
Advertising in the Media October 26, 2006
Real Estate Transactions by Salespersons, and Paying Commissions to Licensed AssistantsJanuary 11, 2006
Homesteads Act SchedulesJune 24, 2004
Real Estate Trust DepositsJanuary 28, 1998
Signing Documents on Behalf of ClientsMay 29, 1997
Fraudulent Mortgage ApplicationsMay 26, 1995
Out-of-Province Activities April 28, 1995
Referral Fees November 1, 1994


Policy or Directive Title Date

Directive: Mortgage Investment Corporations
May 13, 2011

Registration under the Mortgage Brokers Act
Revised April 28, 2011

Advertising on the Internet
Updated May 14, 2010

Practice Directive Matters Related to Presentation of Offers

Presentation of Offers Practice Directive
Notice – March 5, 2008

Branch Office Registration
October 7, 1999 – Updated September 1, 2003

Electronic Forms Practice Directive
August 19, 2003

Principles of Registration
Revised December 2002

Registering New Home Sales Agents With a General Brokerage
April 17, 2002

Supervision of Salespersons
October 7, 1999

Unregistered Assistants
October 7, 1999

This section contains the forms required for various filings under The Real Estate Services Act and The Mortgage Brokers Act.

Search results will provide the category of registration, as well as the name of an active registrant’s employing brokerage. For a complete list of registered individuals or brokerages, enter ‘%’ (without quotations) in either of the criteria fields. Search here for brokerages and individuals licensed in Manitoba.

This section contains general information on renewing registrations issued under The Real Estate Services Act and The Mortgage Brokers Act.

Brokerage, salesperson, and representative registrations issued under The Real Estate Services Act expire one year from the date they are issued, and applications to renew registration must be filed (with the required fees) no later than 30 days before the existing registration expires.

Broker, associate broker, manager, and supervisor registrations expire (and are renewable) with the brokerage’s registration.

Visit the Forms or Fees sections for copies of the applications and an outline of the fees required to renew registrations.

All registrations issued under The Mortgage Brokers Act expire annually on May 31, regardless of when they are issued. Applications to renew registration must be filed (with the required fees) no later than 30 days before the existing registration expires.

Visit the Forms or Fees sections for copies of the applications and an outline of the fees required to renew registrations.

Brokerages registered under The Real Estate Services Act and restricted mortgage brokers registered under The Mortgage Brokers Act may renew their registrations (including those of their individual registrants) by using the ROLS online registration system.

To do so, the managing registrant (the broker for a real estate brokerage, the manager for a property management brokerage, and the authorized official for a restricted mortgage broker) must first obtain an MSC Identification Number (MSC ID) and temporary password. After logging in for the first time, the managing registrant will be prompted to set up a new password. The MSC ID is only to be used by the managing registrant or a person that the managing registrant has designated to process renewals.

To obtain a MSC ID, or for more information, contact

To access our online Real Estate Registration System (ROLS) click here.

Real Estate Online System Manual

In order to become registered in the real estate or mortgage industries in Manitoba there are certain course that you must take that are approved by the Securities Commission. Real estate industry courses are offered through the Manitoba Real Estate Association and mortgage industry courses are offered through Mortgage Professionals Canada. Learn more about the various courses you are required to take to become registered or to maintain your license by clicking on the links below.

Licensing Courses

Real Estate Salesperson
Real Estate Brokers Course
Property Manager
Manitoba Mortgage Salespersons Course

All real estate registrants in Manitoba are required to complete annual relicensing education through a combination of in-person classroom learning and online computer-based learning.

Relicensing Education

Registered brokerages have various ongoing requirements. We conduct compliance reviews to monitor and assess whether brokerages are complying with those requirements.

A registered brokerage is required to establish, maintain, and apply policies and procedures that establish a system of controls and supervision (a compliance system) that:

• provides reasonable assurance that the brokerage and individuals acting on its behalf comply with real estate or mortgage legislation, and
• manages the business risks in accordance with prudent business practices.

Each brokerage is responsible for determining the most appropriate compliance system for its operations. Brokerages must keep in mind both the specific legal requirements they must adhere to, and the principles-based obligations that guide the activities and operations of the brokerage and its related individuals.

In addition to principles-based obligations, registered brokerages and individuals are governed by specific business conduct requirements contained in The Real Estate Services Act and The Mortgage Brokers Act and related regulations.

Examples of key business conduct requirements for registered brokerages include trust account and trust record handling requirements, record maintenance requirements, policies and procedures, and complaint handling.

For more information:

The Real Estate Services Act
Real Estate Services Regulation
The Mortgage Brokers Act
Mortgage Brokers Regulation

Registered brokerages have ongoing financial requirements, including financial reporting, maintaining sufficient working capital, and having adequate insurance coverage.

For more information:

Real Estate Services Regulation – Part 5 (Section 5.15 to 5.17(2))
The Mortgage Brokers Act – Sections 13, 29 and 30
Mortgage Brokers Regulation – Sections 7, 8, 24, and 25

Compliance staff have the authority to conduct reviews of registrants, including real estate brokerages, property management brokerages, mortgage brokers, and restricted mortgage brokers registered in Manitoba to determine if a registered brokerage is complying with real estate or mortgage legislation. Our authority to conduct examinations and analysis is set out in section 79(2) of The Real Estate Services Act and Section 31(1) of The Mortgage Brokers Act, which give us the ability to review all of a registrant’s operations including their transaction files.

We use a risk-based approach to select brokerages for compliance reviews. A registered brokerage may also be selected for review based on a referral from another department within the MFSA or another regulator, if the MFSA receives complaints about the brokerage, or as part of the normal review cycle.
Reviews may be full scope in nature, where we examine the major functional areas of the brokerage’s operations, or limited scope, where we focus on a particular issue.
If a registered brokerage is selected for a compliance review, we will typically provide advance notification and a list of books, files, and records that will be needed during the review. The review will include opening and closing meetings with the brokerage`s registered manager. The duration of the review depends on the complexity of the brokerage’s operations and the nature of the findings noted in the review.

Compliance staff may also perform a spot review without providing prior notice to a brokerage.
Once the review is complete, the brokerage’s registered manager will receive a schedule of findings, which outlines deficiencies found during the review and asks the brokerage to indicate its course of action to correct those deficiencies. If the brokerage addresses all issues satisfactorily, the file will be closed. If the brokerage does not adequately address the deficiencies, we may take further action, such as:

• increasing oversight of the brokerage
• conducting a follow-up review
• imposing terms and conditions
• referring the matter to enforcement

The MFSA may take these steps immediately if a finding is particularly serious.

This section contains notices sent to the industry that provide information about upcoming events, clarification on industry practice and regulatory requirements, and policies issued by the Commission.


Notice Title Date

Proposed Revised Forms of Residential Offers to Purchase and Property Disclosure Statements
Oct. 31, 2022
Individuals Previously Registered as Authorized OfficialsOct. 25, 2022
Proposed Revised Forms of Residential Offers to Purchase and Property Disclosure Statements Feb. 11, 2022
Under Listing Properties and Multiple Offers June 1, 2021
Digital SignaturesMay 6, 2021
Electronic SignaturesMarch 24, 2021
Electronic SignaturesSeptember 24, 2020
Electronic Signatures April 17, 2020
Competition Bureau/CREA Consent Agreement December 15, 2010
Regulation GuidelinesMay 4, 2010
Advertising in the Media October 26, 2006
Real Estate Transactions by Salespersons, and Paying Commissions to Licensed AssistantsJanuary 11, 2006
Homesteads Act SchedulesJune 24, 2004
Real Estate Trust DepositsJanuary 28, 1998
Signing Documents on Behalf of ClientsMay 29, 1997
Fraudulent Mortgage ApplicationsMay 26, 1995
Out-of-Province Activities April 28, 1995
Referral Fees November 1, 1994


Policy or Directive Title Date

Directive: Mortgage Investment Corporations
May 13, 2011

Registration under the Mortgage Brokers Act
Revised April 28, 2011

Advertising on the Internet
Updated May 14, 2010

Practice Directive Matters Related to Presentation of Offers

Presentation of Offers Practice Directive
Notice – March 5, 2008

Branch Office Registration
October 7, 1999 – Updated September 1, 2003

Electronic Forms Practice Directive
August 19, 2003

Principles of Registration
Revised December 2002

Registering New Home Sales Agents With a General Brokerage
April 17, 2002

Supervision of Salespersons
October 7, 1999

Unregistered Assistants
October 7, 1999

1. I am registered as a real estate salesperson/broker in another province. How do I get registered in Manitoba?

A person registered as a real estate salesperson or broker in another province may qualify for registration in Manitoba by completing the relevant interprovincial course.

Before a person may take the interprovincial course Commission staff need to confirm their eligibility. In order to do this we require that the person submit an official license history from their provincial regulator for our review. If they are licensed in more than one province they must submit histories for all jurisdictions where they are currently licensed. This document must include details on: their registration history (how long have they been licensed, in what capacity, with whom), their education history, and details of any disciplinary actions that may have been taken against them. This document must be sent directly to us from the regulator.

Based upon our review we will advise the person if they are eligible to take our interprovincial course, and if they do qualify, we will direct them to our education provider for details on the course.

2.  I am registered as a mortgage broker in another province. How do I get registered in Manitoba?

A person registered as a mortgage broker in another province may register in Manitoba if Commission staff determine they are eligible to do so.

To determine if a person is eligible we require that they submit an official license history from their provincial regulator for our review. If they are licensed in more than one province they must submit histories for all jurisdictions where they are currently licensed. This document must include details on: their registration history (how long have they been licensed, in what capacity, with whom), their education history, and details of any disciplinary actions that may have been taken against them. This document must be sent directly to us from the regulator.

Based upon our review we will advise the person if they qualify for registration in Manitoba.

3. How do I find out if a person is registered?

You can search the public register by accessing the Public Inquiries Search on our website to find out if an individual or brokerage is registered.

4. How can I submit my application to the MSC?

We ask that you email your completed, signed (in ink), application to for review.

5. How can I pay the fee for my registration/renewal?

The fee can be paid by cash, cheque or credit card and must be submitted with your application. Cheque payments must be made payable to the Minister of Finance. If you wish to pay by credit card you can call your payment information into our office at 204-945-2562.

Click here to access Enforcement information.